
GSSD Services: 

All new, potential clients start with a 1-hour private lesson using Zoom video appointments, where we introduce foundations commands (a curriculum guide is provided to clients), answer any individual questions or behavioral concerns, and create a custom plan to help achieve handler goals. After the 1-hour Private Zoom appointment, clients can then choose from continuing with virtual appointments, or the popular Homeschool option (as seen on our Instagram Stories), group services, private lessons, or special community-based events.

Private Options:

1-Hour Private Zoom Appointment: Ideal for a mini-evaluation, consultation, counseling, or virtual training

  • Includes a one hour private consultation and training
  • Customer and trainer to agree on a meeting time (scheduling flexibility Tuesday – Friday 10 a.m. PST – 2 p.m. PST)
  • Includes GSSD Curriculum Guide and 5+ obedience/reinforcement commands
  • Package Cost: $125.00

1-Hour Private Community Appointment: A great training option for advancing foundation & working-dog commands 

  • Includes 1 hour of private consultation and training
  • Customer and trainer to agree on one meeting location (appointment dates & times are subject to availability) 
  • Includes 5+ obedience/reinforcement commands
  • Package Cost: $165.00 

1-Hour Private Client-Home Appointment: Ideal for clients who are working on transitioning to community settings

  • Includes 1 hour of private consultation and training
  • Customer and trainer to agree on one meeting location (appointment dates & times are subject to availability) 
  • Includes 5+ obedience/reinforcement commands
  • Package Cost: $180.00 (additional charges maybe applied for travel/distance)

Group Options:

Community Group Boot Camp: Ideal for specific training topics and events

  • Includes 1-hour of a community group class focused on specific commands and topics (as advertised per class)
  • Ideal for clients who have completed obedience foundations and are ready to move into specific topic work
  • Package Cost: $60.00/class (please see our social media posts for more information on our next class)

Community Group AKC Tests: Ideal for clients who are advancing towards graduation or certification with their dog

  • Includes one group AKC test, options: AKC Canine Good Citizen, Community Canine, Urban CGC, AKC Trick Dog
  • Ideal for clients who have completed obedience foundations and are ready to move into service or therapy dog work
  • Package Cost: $40.00/test (please see our social media posts for more information on our next date)

Service Dog Qualification Options:

Working Dog Annual Review Package: Only for clients who qualify and meet our service dog qualifications

  • Includes GSSD personalized letter of support, qualification and training completion
  • Includes sample medical provider’s service dog support letter/prescription
  • Directions and support on Applying for the CA Assistance Dog Identification Tag & Dog Licensing
  • Service dog team accessibility support, advocacy and education (costs for appointments not included)
  • Privilege use of our Golden State Service Dog vest (cost not included)
  • Package Cost: $130.00 (clients will be emailed our packet to complete their Annual Review)

Michelle’s Private Canine Homeschool & Spa Options:

Homeschool, 1-Day Reservation: Consistent, quality expert training for dogs throughout the day 

  • Includes: one-day at Homeschool with picture/video updates posted throughout the day on our Instagram Stories. Training includes both group and individual foundation/advance training, command reinforcement, positive canine socialization, fun brain-games, physical play, mental exercise, home manners, kennel trainings, lots of praise, and much more!
  • Flexible Drop-off Hours: 7:45 a.m. PST – 8:00 a.m. PST (alternative times may be made by reservations only)
  • Flexible Pick-up Hours: 2:45 p.m. PST – 3:00 p.m. PST (alternative times may be made by reservations only) 
  • Supply Safety Requirements: Clients must label all of their dog’s equipment with their dog’s name; dogs must be dropped-off on their 6-foot double-handle padded leash; dog must be on a flat, secure collar with I.D. tags on; any handler that uses a remote e-collar for their dog must have it on their dog fully charge, paired, and on at drop-off with the remote on a quick-release neck lanyard.
  • Homeschool Kitchen Fresh Treats: always included with special training sessions!
  • Package Cost: $160.00 (private home location in Spring Valley, CA)                                                                                          

Homeschool Add-On Options: enhance your dog’s day with any of the additional luxuries

• Homeschool Kitchen Custom Fresh Meals: $8/meal (advance reservations required!)
• VIP Homeschool Boarding: $200/day. Dogs boarding over weekends must be dropped off for Homeschool no later than Friday 8 a.m. with the earliest pick-up scheduled for Monday at 3 p.m. Additional rates might be applied for holiday stays or early pick-ups. We have a 4 day, 3 night minimum reservation requirement (longer reservations accepted based on dog’s needs).
• Alternative Drop-Off or Pick-Up Time: $20/hour
• Royal Spa Package: Includes nail grinding, massaging bath, facial scrub, anal gland expressing (exterior/limited), de-shedding brushing, ear and eye cleaning, plus cologne, using some of the best, gentle products; prices vary from $65-$110+ based on dog’s size, coat style and behavior/temperament.